Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A great way to launch your album

Remember Mark Curry?

Probably not right? When I used to follow Puffy, Ma$e and Biggie I remember Mark Curry being on Born Again. I noticed that Bad boy still had some good caliber artist like Mark Curry not really getting any shine from the label. In the highlight of Mark Curry's career he was featured on the Puff Daddy P. Diddy record "Bad Boy For Life" which blew up and in short helped Diddy's career recover after The shooting incident and the labels failure's such as Forever and Ma$e retiring. Mark Curry's verse on "Bad Boy for life" wasn't anything too special but it worked really well with the song.

So now after a virtual disappearance from the Earth Mark Curry is back with a Book, called "Dancing With The Devil" how Puff Burned the Bad Boys of Hip Hop. Why? It comes down to right and wrong. There’s a fine line between heaven and hell and that’s why the book is entitled Dancing with the Devil. It’s not a pretty picture but it takes a strong person to survive. The book is inspirational to youth as well. I lost a lot of things chasing a dream. If I could go back and put the dream aside, I’d spend more time with my mother, my family, just real life instead of on the road."

It's obviously pretty hard to get into the music industry and with what I've heard recently from former (or possibly current) label members G-Dep and Black Rob, they can't get in touch with Diddy or get any money from the label.

So does Diddy screw over all of Bad Boys musicians or is Mark Curry lying?
Judge for yourself in this interview with Allhiphop.com but whether you believe Mark Curry or not is erelevent.
"The music you get with the book is the music Puff said wasn’t good enough; I’m not selling it, I’m giving it away. Now if you listen to it and you feel like it’s corny then Puff had a point. But if you say it’s good then you’ll be like, “Puff is crazy.”

So the book gets more publicity than a Mark Curry album ever would and as he has found a way to actually get his music out there without using the recording industry to promote the album. Since the music industry apparently messed up his life, he found away around it to get music out and if he does well enough, he'll get a lot of attention for himself as an artist as well.

Good Move? I think so.

End Note: I just searched Mark Curry in Itunes and he was listened as a composer for the Puffy/Godzilla song.

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